
Mitel’s MiCloud Connect Free Until 2020

Our partner Mitel released the following information on 4/21/2020. If you are interested in Mitel products or services please contact us at

Mitel’s MiCloud Connect Free Until 2020

Together, we can make the new normal more seamless.

Mitel is making an unprecedented offer to alleviate financial pressures during these uncertain times. Mitel is offering MicCloud Connect, free until 2021 that includes our full collaborations suite of cloud calling, conferencing, and contact center solution.

Customer Offer: A new customer or existing on-site customer who has not purchased Mitel cloud products can get MiCloud Connect and MiCloud Connect Contact Center service plans for free until 2021 on a 60-month contract.
Interested in Mitel or need Mitel assistance? Contact us at